Search and Rescue (SAR) is a time-critical event: after a finite period of time the chances of recovering individuals who have become lost, or trapped in the wake of a disaster, trend towards zero. As a result, management of search and rescue resources is paramount. Travel time, planning and executing search grids, are pivotal tasks … full description “Increasing the Efficiency of Low-land Natural Disaster Search and Rescue through ‘Supervised Hybrid Animal-UAV Interactions’ (completed)”
Supervisor: Darren Hurley-Smith
Active: updated 1-SEP-2023 (OSAA035) no expiry
Penetration Testing of Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Arrays (completed)
Project Description The adoption of autonomous vehicles is a matter of when and how, rather than if it will happen. Domestic (private) and commercial (freight) autonomous vehicles are a proven concept, with most remaining questions regarding adoption hanging on the reliability and security of said vehicles. It is well-known that side-channel attacks exploiting peripheral systems, … full description “Penetration Testing of Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Arrays (completed)”