What is UROP?

The Department of Computer Science offers undergraduate students an opportunity to become involved in cutting edge research through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP) programme. UROP projects are individual research projects conducted under the supervision of academics, often in collaboration with other members of their research groups. They allow undergraduate students to experience research first hand and provide training in relevant research skills including literature research, algorithm development, prototyping, and experimentation. Currently available UROPs are listed at https://urop.cs.rhul.ac.uk/projects.

UROP projects last 6 weeks (full-time) over the summer break. Participating students will receive a £1,500 bursary, to be paid as a lump sum at the end of the project. Participating students will be enrolled in the CS2000P course and will have to submit a report at the end of their projects. Please see the UROP specification document for more details.

Please note that some projects will require the student to assign the results (e.g. the software the student writes) to the University because the academic offering the project believes that the software might be commercialised at a later date.  This information is displayed as yes/no against the “will results be assigned to the university” header at the top of each project description.